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Electricity Office

!⚡! Outside the Electricity Office !⚡!

                  One 🍌Banana🍌 vendor was selling 🍌Banana🍌

   Electricity office Manager -
                   Whats the price of Banana?

    Vendor -
                   Let me know where u'll use ?

    Manager -
                  What do u mean? ! ! !

                 If you are taking to temple then its
                     Rs 10 per kg

                To Orphanage
                     Rs 15 per kg

                For school children's
                     Rs 20 per kg         

                If u take home
                     Rs 25 per kg


             For restaurant
                     Rs 30 per kg.

   Electricity officer -
              How can this be, All banana are same Then why difference in price?

Vendor -
             This is my tariff plan

             Even you people from same pole u give electricity but for home, shop, factory, u people charge different tariffs..
Electricity office manager still in Coma

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